
满帆 Celebrates Gaming 和 的电子竞技 at 名人堂 14

社区聚集在一起享受电子竞技, 视频游戏, tabletop gaming during the annual 名人堂 Week celebration.

The 满帆大学 Fortress is filled with a large crowd of spectators while varsity compete against 校友 during 比赛大厅:返校.

满帆大学’s 名人堂 Week returned this May for its fourteenth installment, inviting students to engage with professional development, 独特的社交机会, 以及满帆最喜欢的消遣:电子游戏. Players 和 fans gathered in 奥兰多OG官网健康堡垒 for the latest annual esports exhibition match, while students enjoyed opportunities throughout the week to connect 和 learn from with 毕业生 working in the game industry, 了解更多关于全帆无敌舰队, 并在满帆庆祝游戏.


满帆 kicked off 名人堂 Week with 比赛大厅:返校. 在无敌舰队的基地举行, 奥兰多OG官网健康堡垒, 一年一度的电子竞技展欢迎着学生们, 校友, 教师, staff to cheer on their favorite players as Armada varsity teams competed against returning 校友 players in 使命召唤, 火箭联盟, 超级大乱斗兄弟.

Armada varsity players 和 校友 on stage playing Super 粉碎 Bros. 在比赛大厅中.

Players on stage in the Fortress during the thrilling ‘粉碎 Bros.的大结局.

校友 took the year's claim to the 名人堂 Champion's Cup with wins in 火箭联盟粉碎,而大学代表队 使命召唤 team beat out the returning 校友 team in their best-of-five match.

Two people in matching orange varsity jackets on stage while showing off MSI gear.


学生们享受了由MSI提供的赠品, 快餐车, 街机游戏, much more as the unmatched energy of school spirit flooded the Fortress. 学生 from 满帆 Armada’s varsity Stream Team joined players in the venue, 在整个活动期间通过他们的频道进行直播. At the same time, casters 和 hosts from programs including 游戏业务 & 的电子竞技, 电影, 体育casting lent their commentary to the live broadcast.


演出结束后, 学生们聚集在院子里玩更多的免费游戏, 免费的披萨和冰淇淋, 还有一大堆赠品. Student raffle winners walked away with incredible prizes including headsets, 游戏控制器, 以及任天堂Switch等当前一代家用游戏机, PlayStation 5, 和Xbox系列X.

A staff member 和 student are high-fiving while st和ing at a table full of Armada merch giveaways.

Staff 和 a student share a swag-inspired high-five at the Armada Connects After Party.

The block-party style event allowed students to connect with Armada varsity players, 毕业生, 教师 while the Armada tent gave the 社区 opportunities to learn more about Armada throughout the week.


在比赛大厅:返校节, five students in Armada varsity programs were awarded scholarships for their contributions to the 社区, 对学业成功的承诺, 和竞争精神. 我代表奥兰多健康中心, 学生们总共获得了50美元的奖金,000 in 满帆 scholarships to apply toward their educational goals.

学生 和 staff on stage while holding oversized checks with 满帆 scholarships.

Director of 的电子竞技, Sari Kitelyn, with this year’s 5 scholarship recipients.

学生在竞争中表现优异, 学生领导, 社区, 和广播是从无敌舰队的参赛队伍中选出的, 流团队, casting teams for this year’s scholarship presentation. 在一个温暖人心的时刻,校队 火箭联盟 player Alex和er “Hybrid” Kennedy was awarded his scholarship with a special shoutout from his young son in the audience.


But 满帆’s gaming 社区 doesn’t always play digitally. During 名人堂, students witnessed the epic live return of D20开头死亡竞赛. Hosted by Dungeon Master extraordinaire 和 游戏业务 & 的电子竞技 instructor Becca Godsey 和 her cohost Drew Godsey, the two brought the live version of their popular web series D20开头死亡竞赛 to students on campus in another live face-off.

Bec 和 Drew Godsey wear colorful clothes 和 st和 on an outdoor stage in front of a crowd of students. 他们身后是一个屏幕,上面写着死亡竞赛D20.

Dungeon Master Bec “CausticPhoenix” Godsey 和 Drew “Mudcat” Godsey on stage during D20开头死亡竞赛.

用烟雾机, 一个巨大的20面骰子, 还有大量的重金属音乐, D20开头死亡竞赛 transformed the outdoor stage into a live D&在这里,竞争者们为自己的生命而翻滚. Streamer 和 special guest Professor Broman went toe-to-toe with Christian Hammer as students in the audience cheered on the players’ demise.

To learn more about the Armada 社区 和 how you can get involved, 加入我们的Discord!